Lydia Phillips

>Our Happy Home

In Uncategorized on May 28, 2010 at 5:55 am


I thought you all might want to see some photos from where I’m living in Iraq! Basically, we (myself and the 8 other interns, plus 1 intern leader) invaded the home of Jessica and Jeremy Courtney (and their two children) who are the wonderful co-founders of the Preemptive Love Coalition. Plus they have Josh Gigs (their photo intern from last summer) living with them at the moment. So all in all, there are 15 of us living in 4 bedrooms (more like 3 and a half plus the roof), sharing 2 bathrooms. Here goes!
This is our home. Welcomeee 🙂

The kitchen is right when you first walk in.

Huge kitchen is great for getting dinner together for 15 people. We were paired up and each night a different two people make dinner, another pair cleans up, and another pair makes breakfast the next day.

This is the living room where we all kind of hang out. Scrabble, blogging, reading, movie-watching, extravaganza.

This is where the 5 of us girl interns sleep/live. Mine’s the yellow one that no one’s sleeping in!
There are no shower heads here. Which sounded like an absurd impossibility when I first heard it, but now I’m convinced shower heads are totally unnecessary. I haven’t exactly taken a shower yet, but I’ve washed my hair twice. Its way faster to just wash hair than it is to wash your whole body. Especially because no one can tell you haven’t taken a shower. Except that I just wrote it in my blog.

There’s a quick tour. I’ll try to post more photos later and some of the interns too! Right now the internet is being a bit spotty. For now, check out PLC’s Facebook page for some other photos I’ve taken!
Happy Friday from Kurdistan!
  1. >Showers in general are uneccessary! Really cool house though! I like that Kitty made it to Iraq too and is safely sleeping on your mat 🙂 Right now I'm in OUR living room in Cincinnati and Mom/Grandmommy are putting together the last of the food stuff for the grad party tonight. So it's kinda like our kitchen is operated in pairs too 🙂 except, tomorrow would be yours and my turn to make food and you're not here 😦 Oh welllll you're in a lot cooler place!!! Hopefully, it STAYS a really cool place. I'm praying for your safety and that you're camera stops being stolen (I feel like you're involved in a really intense game of capture the flag or something!)…but it makes me glad we nixed your "best idea ever to hide my valuable stuff IN MY CAMERA" haha 🙂 🙂 Anyways, I need to go now cause apparently two people isn't enough to run our kitchen! Love, love, loveeeee you!!!!!

  2. >Meredith needs to learn how to spell "unnecessary". :)I keep hearing about the stolen camera but haven't found it in a post, yet. Do you currently have the stolen camera in your possession??

  3. >BTW, your apartment looks comfortable, roomy, and clean. And for the record, showers ARE necessary. 🙂

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